Uno scatto apparso sul profilo Instagram di Fedez ha immediatamente acceso la curiosità dei fan. Nella foto, il rapper è ...
(ANSA) - ROME, APR 9 - Italian rapper and pop star Fedez has revealed that he attempted to take his own life during a troubled period in his teenage years. "I attempted suicide when I was 18 ...
Fedez, noto rapper italiano, ha recentemente espresso il suo profondo timore nei confronti di Fabrizio Corona, ex re dei paparazzi. Attraverso i suoi legali, Fedez ha richiesto un ammonimento al quest ...
If you've been following the heart-breaking drama out of Italy that centers on rapper and musician Federico Leonardo Lucia, better known as Fedez, you already know that we're about to dive into a ...
Moreover, there was a private financial agreement between Fedez and Iovino: the rapper paid the victim of the brawl with a check for 10,000 euros.