When a volcano erupts there can be lava, ash, steam or gaseous emissions. Sometimes eruptions are explosive and lava is thrown out as volcanic bombs. Hotspots are places where the magma rises up ...
St. Helens and Mt. Vesuvius, are all andesitic volcanoes. Here, get to know the major features and products of an andesitic volcano, which forms when two tectonic plates rub against each other and ...
Magma is the name given to molten material inside the earth (volcano) whereas lava is the name given to molten material which is often ejected from a volcano and then cools and solidifies.
Volcanic activity involving the extrusion of rock tends to form mountains or features like mountains over a period of time. The word volcano is derived from the name of Vulcano island off Sicily.
What is the collective noun for a group of volcano scientists? While some tongue-in-cheek responses might be “an eruption of ...
Volcanoes also have deep roots in the history ... So if you live near one of these mighty features—or plan to visit one on your next trip—here’s some hazards to be aware of and steps you ...
At any given moment there are 40-60 volcanoes erupting around the world. Volcanoes host magmas with temperatures of over 700 degrees — that’s over four times hotter than any known organism can survive ...
Among the most active and deadly of these volcanoes is Nyiragongo ... In this interactive, explore the main features of Nyiragongo and learn what risks it poses to the 500,000 people who live ...