Cult comedy Father Ted is set to return as a musical, its co-creator has confirmed. Graham Linehan said the show, called Pope Ted: The Father Ted Musical, was almost written. Fellow writer Arthur ...
Not forgetting the foul - mouthed and lecherous Bishop Brennan who may just turn up to cast a shadow over the evening's events! Featuring all the best comic moments and a great meal, Father Ted - The ...
A series which revolves around the world of three priests who live together on Craggy Island, a god-forsaken spot off the West Coast of Ireland where they have been banished for past mistakes and ...
The staff are IT geeks Roy and Moss, and their boss Jen, who knows nothing about computers. Documentary following the creators of Father Ted as they return to Craggy Island on the 15th anniversary of ...
Then there was the Father Ted musical, which I kind of objected to because it meant someone else playing Dougal, and that is unthinkable." The show had three seasons spanning from 1995 to 1998 ...
He thinks he's got a good chance of winning the all-priests lookalike show this year. Sadly, neither Jack nor Dougal are particularly inventive souls... Ted's plan to win the All Priest Stars in Their ...
This show brings the comedian who played one of Father Ted’s most loved characters Father Damien Lennon (Father Damo) to the stage with stand-up and musical comedy, interspersed with a Lovely Girls ...