The map below shows the location of Faisalabad and Gojra. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
However, Motorway from Pindi Bhattian to Faisalabad and Gojra is closed for the traffic. According to Motorway and Highway Police Spokesman Mehmood Ali Khokar, GT Road is closed for traffic because of ...
TOBA TEK SINGH: A man and his daughter were murdered in Chak 275-RB, Kalan, in the Dijkot police area along the Dijkot-Gojra Road in Faisalabad on Monday. Reports said that Ghulam Abbas ...
The city of Gojra in Toba Tek Singh district has historically remained part of various administrative units, namely Sandal Bar, Chenab Colony, Lyallpur district and Faisalabad district.