How do scientists study the behavior of dinosaurs, who died 65 million years ago? After all, dinosaur fossils are rare enough ...
Did dinosaurs lose ... Lava flows like these provide evidence of a rash of volcanic activity for at least 500,000 years leading up to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Rare Metal The metal iridium ...
Did a collision with a giant asteroid or comet change the shape of life on Earth forever? It is widely agreed that such an object -- 10 kilometers across -- struck just off the coast of the ...
Recent discoveries have provided crucial evidence, helping to piece together the puzzle of dinosaur evolution. How did the first dinosaurs emerge, and what led to their dominance? The answers may ...
For a long time, the origins of dinosaurs remained a mystery in our prehistoric timeline. These massive creatures, which ruled Earth for millions of years, left fossils that continue to captivate ...