This gripping series centres around siblings Eva, Grace, Ursula, Bibi, and Becka (played by Eve Hewson), who grapple with the shocking demise of Grace's abusive husband. As each episode unfolds ...
Eve Hewson showed off her cleavage in a daring lace satin dress at the GQ Men Of The Year awards on Tuesday night. The 27th annual ceremony, in partnership with Jo Malone London, took place at ...
Eve Hewson has been steadily building a career ... Created by Horgan, who adapted it from the Belgian series Clan, Bad Sisters’ first season in 2022 was a cracking hit, the kind that generated ...
Eve Hewson is reacting to the popularity of The ... Meet the Faces Behind Netflix’s Star-Studded New Series As for whether she’d want to return to a potential next season, Hewson explained ...
Hewson tells PEOPLE of her reaction to Becka's plot twist in the Apple TV+ comedy Eve Hewson didn't exactly ... sisters in the Apple TV+ Irish comedy series, and in the latest episode of season ...
Eve Hewson told Byrdie that she uses her dad Bono's Augustinus Bader moisturizer whenever she visits home. "He is non wiser," the Irish actress told the outlet.
Related: Eve Hewson Says Response to The Perfect ... The NERVE," she wrote, referring to her Apple TV+ series. Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to ...