A series of Japanese animated films in the original series Neon Genesis Evangelion. They serve as both a recap of series and an alternate ending to replace the last two episodes from the series.
A series of Japanese animated films in the original series Neon Genesis Evangelion. They serve as both a recap of series and an alternate ending to replace the last two episodes from the series.
Despite officially ending in 2021 with the fourth and final film of the Rebuild of Evangelion series, Hideaki Anno's iconic franchise is still making waves among the passionate anime community.
The fourth and final installment in the “Evangelion” reboot film series, “Shin Evangelion Gekijo-ban:||” (“Evangelion: 3.0+1.0”), will hit theaters on June 27. The reboot films started ...
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Japanese anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Radio Eva has announced the release of the EVANGELION:95 apparel collection.