Now in their 40s and 50s, Boomer women are grappling with one of the most challenging stages they have faced to date: the empty nest. This vulnerable phase is signaled by the exodus of sons and ...
There's probably more focus these days on young mothers trying to balance their careers and parenthood, but what about the working woman who is transitioning to becoming an empty-nester?
She acknowledged that some parts of being of empty-nester age can indeed be scary. “Your kids are gone. You have to re-meet your partner, you have to re-establish who you are in yourself, and it’s a ...
"Many women sacrifice their own careers for family and, at this time, there is a sudden realisation of emptiness in life - lack of life purpose." He said "empty nest" tended to happen later for ...
While financial incentives to stay together generally weigh more heavily when kids are young, that doesn’t mean they cease to exist in cases of empty nest separations or divorces. You may have ...
According to a Census Bureau analysis of data from the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation, its most recent analysis available, the United States had roughly 22.5 million empty-nest ...
Women may seek therapy during times of significant change, such as starting a new job, getting married, or having a baby, or coping with empty nest syndrome. Therapists can help women navigate ...
She added that there are a lot of men and women who are getting to that stage in their life where they think they have much more 'living to do'. She also confessed that people in their 60's want ...
It's also been helpful to have other women in my life who are experiencing ... I know planning for our empty nest doesn't mean I won't feel sad, nostalgic, or even lonely despite my best efforts.