Here’s one look: The yellow-faced whip snake belongs to a species of venomous snakes in the Elapidae family, one containing many dangerous snakes. They grow to 31-47 inches and are said to be ...
Biologists use the term ‘true sea snake’ for any of the 64 recognised species of snakes of the family Elapidae that spend the majority of their lives in the ocean. They even give birth to young in the ...
Researchers have created a powerful synthetic antibody that counteracts the deadly venom produced by snakes in the Elapidae family—which includes the black mamba, king cobra and kraits.
King Cobras, meanwhile, are part of the Elapidae family which houses most of the venomous snakes with fixed fangs, including the cobras and coral snakes as well. The fact that the Boomslang has ...
There are about 700 species of front-fanged venomous snakes. Almost all of them belong to the families Viperidae and Elapidae. There are also 1,800 rear-fanged snake species. These belong to the ...
The Arabian cobra belongs to the Elapidae family and the Naja genus. The scientific name Naja arabica comes from the Sanskrit word "Naja" (meaning snake) and from the Latin word "arabica," which ...