Despite her young age and her short time in the acting world, Egyptian actress Dunia Samir Ghanem is currently preparing for a major role portraying the life of the late renowned Egyptian singer ...
An Egyptian actress who wore a revealing dress to the Cairo Film Festival is to appear in court after being accused of "inciting debauchery". Rania Youssef appeared in a lacy, black, see-through ...
Egyptian director Mohammad Khan has succeeded in reuniting two great Egyptian actresses Najlaa Fathy and Mervat Ameen after 25-years of being apart, in a new film for the big screen. The script ...
The iconic Egyptian actress was born on 27 May 1931 ... deprived for several years from the chance of discovering new potential within this great actress. The director Ezz El-Din Zulfikar ...
Born Fatima Ahmed Kamal Shaker, the late Egyptian golden age song and cinema ... known for her roles in light comedy and drama. The actress starred in many films that are considered classics ...