Contrary to reports ... as anything else. The pill was taken away to be analysed and it wasn't until the next morning that they confirmed that it had indeed been an ecstasy tablet.
Jasper Police are seeking an arrest warrant on a man following a series of events that occurred early Thursday morning.
Taking just one or two ecstasy pills damages the brain for at least three months, it has been claimed. Anxiety, memory loss and depression are among the side-effects. Levels of neurotransmitters ...
When police stopped him, the man had a suspended driver's license and was allegedly in possession of ecstasy pills. He was charged with drug possession. A 32-year-old Tempe man was charged on ...
It contained over 1,000 ecstasy pills and more than £12,000 worth of ... “If you see anything suspicious in your community, always report it via 101 or in an emergency, or if a crime is taking ...
The drug is also commonly known as ecstasy or molly. Arrest documents show detectives searched Melo's luggage and found 60 pills hidden inside Skittles candy bags. They also say a confidential ...