In anime, Demon Slayer has charmed audiences with its storyline and characters, and one of the most striking is Tengen Uzui. With his big personality, flair, and exceptional combat skills ...
Fairy Tail's 100 Year Quest introduces new, powerful Dragon Slayers like Kiria, Madmole, and Skullion Raider in the Diabolos guild. Characters like Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, and Laxus showcase ...
Demon Slayer characters who deserve a Quirk can come in a lot of shapes and forms because of the variety of players and the different abilities they have developed throughout the series. There are ...
the new character taking the field has their ATK increased by 24% for 10s. This effect can only occur once every 20s. Powered by Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers is a 3-Star Catalyst Weapon in ...