Domestic cats pounce on from one billion to four billion ... All this static did not negate the key finding: that when cats are introduced predators—that is, they’re brought into an ecosystem ...
The exhibit, which opened in late November and will run until April 27, highlights the entire feline family tree, from domestic cats commonly found in homes to feared predators like tigers and lions.
swirls around the unlikely pairing of carnivorous predators and social- or environmental-justice issues. His current research examines free-roaming domestic cats, which devastate bird populations ...
Nationwide cats kill over a billion small mammals and hundreds of millions of birds each year. The problem with this is the domestic cats are out-competing the native predators. These cats may also be ...
I am fortunate to have a job that allows me to travel to wild and scenic places all over the world. I get to see, photograph and write about some amazing wild places while spending a lot of time ...