I 型干扰素 (IFN-I) 信号在系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE) 发病过程里的作用已得到充分证实。而目前发现的单基因系统性红斑狼疮样疾病(monogenic systemic lupus erythematosus )的主流是自身炎症I ...
Indeed, the "open" or "closed" state of the chromatin near a particular gene can be revealed by examining DNA sensitivity to the enzyme DNAse I by way of a procedure known as a DNAse sensitivity ...
A method that detects DNA sites in chromosomes that show increased sensitivity to digestion by DNAse I. These sites probably represent regions of the chromosome that are nucleosome-free ...
Biosciences announced the presentation of preclinical data investigating the potential of co-administration of deoxyribonuclease ...
Encouraging preclinical data supporting the use of DNase-based technology to target NETosis and address difficult to treat cancers ...