Classified | Operational | Executive | 12-Month Professional & Faculty | 12-Month Postdoc | 9-Month Professional, Faculty & Postdoc | Hourly William & Mary offers both a 457(b) Deferred Compensation ...
As its name suggests, a deferred compensation plan allows you to delay receiving part of your compensation until a later date. These retirement plans are offered by certain employers to a select g ...
See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews. A 457 plan is a type of deferred compensation plan for workers in the government and nonprofit sectors. It is considered one ...
There are two types: qualified deferred compensation plans and non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plans, each with different rules, benefits and risks. If you want to plan your retirement ...
The Drexel University 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan is a voluntary retirement savings plan for faculty and professional staff members whose salary exceeds $150,000 during a calendar year. The plan ...
You’ve climbed the corporate ladder, you’re making good money and suddenly someone from human resources presents you with a newfangled employee benefit — the opportunity to participate in a ...
Elective Deferred Compensation Plan (a type of NQDC plan) This plan allows a select employee to defer a portion of their income and receive it at a later date, typically upon retirement.