helped blast the Wall apart? 'Helden: David Bowie und Berlin' by Tobias Ruther is published in Germany by Rogner & Bernhard. is based in Berlin. His books include biographies of Jorge Luis Borges ...
Rob Hughes and Stephen Dalton uncover the complete story of Bowie's life-saving escape to Berlin. How he turned ... sparking a huge row with David. “They had a punch-up and started throwing ...
At the time, however, Low proved too far out for Bowie’s record company. After returning to Berlin’s Hansa studios to finish mixing and vocals, David delivered the album tapes to his panic ...
Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall stood for 28 ... stages along the path of the former wall. Among other songs, they were ...
David Bowie was born in 1947 (he would have been 75 in 2022 ... In 1987, Bowie returned to Berlin to give a concert at the Berlin Wall. According to some, that concert, and particularly Bowie’s ...
Guitarist Carlos Alomar and bassist George Murray, who both played on David Bowie's celebrated ... corner from the legendary West Berlin Hansa Studio where Bowie recorded the trilogy, before ...