Based on the manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, Dandadan follows Momo and Okarun, two teenagers who slowly become friends at school due to their joint love of the occult and extraterrestrial. Momo is a ...
Each time her voice is recognizable, but it’s just hilarious within the wild context of Dandadan. Fans can’t help but connect Rita Repulsa with Turbo Granny especially as fans hear wilder ...
Moreover, despite being a rental girlfriend, Mizuhara never leaves her home without looking the best: sharing the same preference for having a refined fashion sense with the Dandadan female ...
The Serpo have always been characters of questionable intrigue for the viewers of the currently airing popular anime, Dandadan. Right from their introduction in the Dandadan series, the Serpo have ...
Dandadan Episode 10 is just around the corner with the aftermath of Momo, Aira, and Okarun’s embarrassing fight, so don’t miss it. Get the release date, expected plot, and more here.