研究人员为探究 DNA 甲基化对骨骼肌衰老的影响,开展 Dnmt3a 过表达研究,发现其破坏肌肉稳态等,为相关疾病干预提供方向。 在生命的长河中,骨骼肌就像人体的 “动力引擎”,支撑着我们日常的一举一动。然而,随着年龄的增长,骨骼肌会逐渐衰老 ...
为解决 DNMT3A 突变相关造血疾病机制不明及治疗难题,研究人员开展 DNMT3A 突变与造血疾病的研究。结果发现 STING 在其中关键作用,且靶向它可抑制白血病发展。这为治疗相关疾病提供新方向,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。 在生命的微观世界里,DNA 甲基化就像一把 ...
近年来,献血已成为一种让人关注的社会现象。不少人坚持定期献血,以帮助他人,获得精神上的满足。然而,最近的研究显示,献血的好处远不止于此,它甚至可能改善献血者自身的健康。有研究表明,那些在一生中献血超过100次的男性,体内的血细胞可能具有积极的基因突变,而这些突变可能有助于降低血癌的风险。这一发现来自于英国伦敦弗朗西斯·克里克研究所的科学团队,研究人员通过对217名年龄在60至72岁之间、献血次数超 ...
Scientists compared blood from frequent, long-term donors to that of more seldom ones and saw some key genetic differences in ...
Giving blood regularly may not just be saving the lives of other people, it could also be improving your own blood's health ...
New research has discovered that donating blood could actually improve blood health drastically, thanks to how your body ...
YOUR regular donation of blood could be doing more than saving others’ lives – it could benefit you too. New research ...
New research shows that mutations in DNMT3A in blood stem cells of frequent blood donors may bolster the production of noncancerous cells.
Researchers found that frequent blood donation may favor genetic adaptations in blood stem cells, promoting healthy ...
In particular, the lab is investigating the role of DNA methyltransferase 3a (DNMT3A) in regulating stem cell function, and how mutations in DNMT3A lead to age-related clonal hematopoiesis and ...