11 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNDIY攒机心得:从零开始的游戏PC搭建之旅🌟作为一个游戏爱好者,拥有一台高性能的游戏PC是我一直以来的梦想。最近,我终于决定从零开始,亲手搭建一台属于自己的游戏PC。这次攒机经历不仅让我学到了很多硬件知识,更让我深刻体会到了DIY的乐趣和成就感。
Discover how to create a budget-friendly SFF gaming PC with a refurbished Dell OptiPlex and RTX 3050 GPU for under $300.
Build your own cinema camera with CinePi. Learn how to use Raspberry Pi and modular components to create a professional-grade DIY camera.
相关人士指出,下一代Xbox或将打破传统主机与PC之间的界限,成为一款配置固定、价格实惠的设备。这意味着玩家或许能够在Xbox上体验到索尼旗下移植至PC的游戏,例如漫威蜘蛛侠、地狱潜者2和对马岛之魂等作品。不过,这仍需取决于微软是否允许用户访问 ...
“This is the easiest PC you’ll ever build, and we’ll be publishing step-by-step guides and videos to get you there,” the company said. Framework also launched a Laptop 12 today, as well as ...