Here’s what you need to know about the fees you may encounter when paying with (or accepting) a credit card. Surcharges are sometimes levied by merchants onto credit-card paying customers.
Some 34% of merchants surveyed are adding surcharges for credit card transactions, the study says. The study also found that ...
As of Jan. 1, 2025, businesses in Kansas are able to add a surcharge of up to 4% for credit card transactions. However, to do ...
If there exists a phenomenon more unloved than the credit/debit card surcharge, I can’t imagine it. It’s up there with suppurating pustules and bumper-to-bumper traffic, especially amid our ...
As of January 1, the Consumer Protection Division of the Sedgwick County DA’s Office advised that merchants in the state can legally add a surcharge to credit card transactions, “as long as ...
Accordingly, satisfaction with the overall cost of payment processing services among small businesses that implement these credit card surcharges is 24 points lower (on a 1,000-point scale ...