该研究为水生生态风险评估提供了新型生物标志物。 聚焦有机磷农药乐果(dimethoate, DMT)的生态毒性效应,最新研究以地中海绿蟹(Carcinus aestuarii)为模型,解析其肝胰腺在DMT急性暴露(50/100/200 μg/L,24小时)下的生化响应。实验发现:DMT触发活性氧爆发 ...
For some years investigations on the ecology of the common shore crab, Carcinus maenas, have been carried out in inshore Danish waters (the Isefjord area, Zealand) and among other things the ...
Enter: the European green crab, Carcinus maenas. They are a staple feature across parts of the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, but have since spread from their native home to invade large swathes ...
Another common British crab, the shore crab (Carcinus maenas), has a more refined set of claw cutlery: one is sturdy, for smashing, the other slender, for deftly cutting into prey. You can find shore ...
Lynne Sneddon, conducted experiments on shore crabs (Carcinus maenas ... "We could see that the crab has some kind of pain receptors in its soft tissues because we recorded an increase in brain ...
Emma Mazlish ’26 Exploring seasonal variation across phytoplankton size classes in Harpswell Sound, Maine, using high performance liquid chromatography Reuben Siegel ’27 Thunderdome blue crabs ...