Cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes are strongly linked to other silent killers like dementia and are a ...
In addition to substantial lifestyle changes, there may be additional help in reversing atherosclerosis, including statin ...
A groundbreaking study has found that consuming just one type of oil every day could help to prevent coronary artery disease ...
In the past, heart disease was predominantly considered a men's health issue. Now we know it doesn't discriminate. In fact, ...
As Heart Awareness Month unfolds, local cardiologist Dr. Khaled Khalaf sheds light on the significance of knowing your ...
Despite the prevalence of heart disease, many people are still unclear about how genetics can impact heart disease.
Mental health can impact the heart leading to increased stress hormone secretions thereby causing high BP, irregular ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, and to raise awareness, the National ...
Coronary artery disease occurs when plaque builds up, restricting blood flow, and requires immediate treatment with ...
When it comes to signs of serious heart trouble, many of us imagine the Hollywood version-a man clutching his chest and ...
Cardiac testing is essential for diagnosing and managing heart disease. I asked Lee Health Heart Institute Cardiologist ...
Prior to 1990, many assumed that once cholesterol plaques form in the arteries ... Ornish proceeded with a group of patients awaiting coronary artery bypass surgery who underwent a radical change ...