The biodegradable paper and plastic packaging market is projected to hit $40.75 billion by 2034. Discover key trends, ...
Finnish brand owner Orkla Snacks tapped UPM Specialty Papers to pilot a new paper wrapper for its Panda milk chocolate brand.
A six-month pilot in Finland is testing a paper-based wrapper for Panda Milk Chocolate, replacing traditional plastic ...
Orkla Suomi is piloting a high-barrier paper wrapper from UPM Specialty Papers for its Panda Milk Chocolate brand, intending ...
A class action lawsuit was filed against the Hershey Company accusing it of knowingly selling candy with dangerous chemicals on the wrappers. The lawsuit was filed Oct. 29 in Pennsylvania federal ...
BBC Bitesize has untwisted the wrappers from a history of confectionery - and we promise not to put them back in the tin afterwards. Research by confectionery historian Tim Richardson shows that ...
Norwich-based chocolate company Gnaw is trailing new recyclable paper wrappers for its chocolate buttons in a drive for sustainability this year. The eco-friendly paper pouches, known as EvoPak ...
According to Gnaw MD Mike Navarro, “EvoPak offers a significant step-change in planet-responsible snacking and confectionery wrappers as a result of significant advances in lightweight, multi-layer ...
Norwich-based chocolate company Gnaw is trailing new recyclable paper wrappers for its chocolate buttons in a drive for sustainability this year. The eco-friendly paper pouches, known as EvoPak RCM, ...