They need to understand the fundamentals of both electrical devices and computer science. Their math skills need to be fairly strong, but not as robust as some other engineering disciplines. They use ...
By your senior year, you'll take on a major project that identifies a need, and then creates a product to address it. Past projects include apps to improve health care in rural areas, virtual reality ...
They seek to understand society’s needs and, once they do, they create software systems that make ... A central objective of our program is to contribute to society by advancing the fields of computer ...
The world needs engineers with more than just great technical skills — it needs ethical and visionary leaders. Bucknell's nationally ranked electrical engineering and computer engineering majors will ...
Students may need to complete a senior capstone project, and some programs encourage internships so students can have real-world experience before graduation. Computer engineering could be a good ...
Nationwide, demand for computer scientists and engineers is strong, as the need for trained computer scientists and engineers is growing in fields ranging from health care to education to business.
The bachelor of science in computer engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northwestern University educates students in the basic principles and modern practices of ...
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering features a balanced core program in which each student studies the engineering aspects of software and hardware as well as the mathematical ...
The graduate programs in engineering from Drexel University prepare professionals for applying deepened knowledge that will further their career in research or industry. Students emerge prepared to ...
The Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering is offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Your course of study includes completion of computer programming, ...