Over the past decade the Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendrocthonus ponderosae) has killed millions of pine trees from New Mexico to the Yukon Territory, as a result of an unprecedented explosion in their ...
That’s when he found out about beetle kill pine. Since the early 2000s, Colorado has faced epidemic levels of bark beetles, which bore into trees and ultimately kill them. One species ...
At high elevations in the northern Rockies, mountain pine beetles are killing countless whitebark pine trees, a major source of food for wildlife including grizzly bears Explore Subscribe ...
Throughout the western U.S. you’ll find “beetle kill” pine adorning homes, stores, and restaurants. My house in Colorado has a ceiling built of beetle-kill planks. In Missoula, Montana ...
There is a huge beetle problem in the Rocky Mountains. The official declaration of what the mountain pine beetles are doing is a "catastrophic" killing off of trees.