Google Maps Timeline now stores data on your device. Learn how to enable cloud backup and avoid losing your location history.
Duplicati, a free download on both macOS and Windows, puts encrypted backups of all your important files into the cloud ...
Besides cloud storage, you might also want to consider the best cloud backup services since they provide a simple, automated way to back up your computer. Even though there are some great free ...
This comes down to CloudKit, Apple’s software framework that acts as a backend as a service. Apps can use CloudKit to store ...
After all, the “backup rule of three” exists for a reason. The good news for consumers is that there are a multitude of affordable and convenient cloud storage options, each offering unique ...
In a significant shift, Apple has officially stopped supporting iCloud backups for iPhones and iPads running iOS 8 or earlier ...
As Apple warned on November 19, it’s ending iCloud backup support for iOS 8 and earlier. Device backups now require iOS 9 or ...
If you’ve ever been stressed about running out of storage on your iPhone and felt like you had no other choice but to buy iCloud storage, this article is for you. Apple is being sued for exactly that ...