Bring the taste of Texas Roadhouse to your home kitchen with these copycat rolls. The recipe also comes with steps for the chain's iconic cinnamon butter.
Combine in a bowl and mix until smooth before pouring over the warm rolls before they’ve been torn into portions. Cinnamon rolls Ingredients 250g ready-made croissant dough, like Jus Rol 30g ...
Place on a floured surface and roll into a sausage then into a rectangle approximately 45cm x 30cm. Mix the dark brown sugar with 25g of the melted butter and cinnamon and spread over the dough ...
Gradually mix in the flour, buttermilk and vanilla ... The end result was perfectly fluffy and did remind me of a freshly baked cinnamon roll. Thanks to the holes, the icing worked its way into ...
That night at my dinner party I reheated the cinnamon roll cake in the oven for a bit, then served each slice with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream. The cake was delicious—a perfect mix of a ...