Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We only use quality, credible sources ...
Environmental tobacco smoke produces fine particulate matter, the most dangerous element of air pollution. According to the new study, levels indoors Environmental tobacco smoke produces fine ...
Moving forward, Alvarez stresses that it is essential to address the issue of cigarette butt pollution on the Esplanade, particularly given its potential to introduce microplastics into the ocean.
If these are chronic problems for you, indoor air pollution could be to blame ... The culprits? "Cigarette smoke is the biggest offender, and also the most fixable problem," says Karin Pacheco ...
If you needed YET another reason never to start smoking, this could be it: as well as the damage the chemicals in a cigarette do ... a cascade of microplastic pollution that’s bedevilling ...
Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 8 million human lives, 600 million trees, 200,000 hectares of land, 22 billion tons of water and 84 million tons of CO2. The majority of ...
At this point, air pollution’s impact may exceed the equivalent of 30 cigarettes per day, posing life-threatening risks for everyone, particularly the young, elderly, and chronically ill.
The post read, Pepsi : Our competition is water, next came ... to many is equivalent to smoking a dozen cigarettes in a day. Delhi's pollution levels according to some estimates even crossed ...