Also, PROC FREQ computes the following statistics derived from the Pearson chi-square: the phi coefficient, the contingency coefficient, and Cramer's V. PROC FREQ computes Fisher's exact test for ...
Recall that a chi-squared test of independence can be used for two categorical variables and write down the null hypothesis for this test Explain the basic idea of a chi-squared test, namely that the ...
Additionally, it is important to remember that the chi-square test can only be applied to numbers of progeny, not to proportions or percentages. You are now ready to perform statistical analysis ...
A contingency table allows you to visualize the relationship between a categorical X variable and a categorical Y variable.
output out=chisqdat pchi lrchi n nmiss; title 'Chi-Square Tests for 3 by 5 Table of Eye and Hair Color'; run; proc print data=chisqdat noobs; title 'Chi-Square Statistics for Eye and Hair Color'; ...