Not only is Cheddar Gorge a world renowned beauty spot and nature reserve of national importance, but also a famous site of pre-historic discoveries, including Britain's oldest complete skeleton ...
A "major feature film" is being shot in Cheddar Gorge, sparking a temporary road closure. The B3135 is shut to vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians for four days, from Monday until Friday at 23:59 BST.
Gorge Walk offers visitors the chance to complete a circuit of Cheddar Gorge in Somerset within the Mendip Hills. The footpath leading north from the B3135 near the Black Rock car park has been ...
The curds need to be turned by hand. And it must be aged to a minimum of nine months. The Cheddar Gorge Cheese Company produces 60 tons of cheese each year. It takes about 10 liters of milk to ...
Richard said: “One of the highlights was filming at Cheddar Gorge in Somerset. It was incredible, the films are about mental ...
Just over a year later, she has successfully fundraised for the devices to be put throughout the gorge - and for a memorial bench at Cheddar Valley Rugby Club. "If these machines save just one ...