Some of our most famous specimens were collected by Charles Darwin and Captain Robert FitzRoy during the round-the-world voyage of HMS Beagle between 1831 and 1836. Accepted on board as a gentlemanly ...
An international group of scientists plan to recreate Charles Darwin’s five-year sea voyage around the world aboard a replica of the HMS Beagle. They plan to set sail from London in 2014.
The ship, launched in 1820, allowed Darwin to make observations that led to his theory of natural selection. The remains of a rare 19th Century dock built for Charles Darwin's ship HMS Beagle has ...
Researchers and historians have collected approximately 15,000 letters written both to and by Charles Darwin in an effort to better understand his life and science. One of his most frequent contacts ...
Aboard HMS Beagle in 1832, near the Cape Verde island of Santiago (then called St Jago), the young naturalist Charles Darwin met his match in the form of a common ... Blaschka glass model of a common ...
So begins The Voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin’s account of ... In August 1831, Darwin received a letter from his mentor, fellow geologist John Stevens Henslow, explaining that the Beagle ...
Like so many great scientists, Charles Darwin was first drawn to ... to accompany Captain Robert FitzRoy on a voyage of the HMS Beagle, Darwin had become an astute and insatiable scientist ...
Charles Darwin was born in Shropshire ... In September 1835, the Beagle arrived in the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles from Ecuador. Darwin made detailed notes and collected lots of animals, plants ...