A hate crime investigation was launched after a menorah in Guilford was vandalized during the holiday season, according to ...
Two men were arrested last week for allegedly damaging a Hanukkah menorah at the Guilford Town Green on Jan. 5. The suspects ...
Two brothers are accused of intentionally damaging a menorah that was on the Guilford Town Green last holiday season and both men are facing multiple charges. On Jan. 13, Guilford Police received a ...
A menorah was found vandalized in Uptown Gig Harbor at the start of Hanukkah, sparking an investigation of the incident as a malicious mischief offense and potential hate crime, according to police.
Jewish rebels, freed their homeland from the Syrians and restored the Temple, their sacred place of worship in Jerusalem. This rededication of the temple called for lighting the menorah ...
director of Chabad Lubavitch Bricket Wood, said he was "blown away by the messages of support and little donations". Rabbi Eliezer Tunk said funds are being raised to replace the damaged menorah ...