为解决肺癌转移和耐药难题,上海中医药大学附属上海市中医医院的研究人员开展了肺癌 CTC 簇相关研究。结果发现 CTC 簇经 CDH17 - YAP 通路产生耐药性,且肿瘤生长与化疗敏感性有关。该研究为肺癌治疗提供新思路,值得一读。 肺癌,这个全球健康的 “头号杀手 ...
结果发现 CTC 簇耐药与 CDH17 - YAP 通路有关。该研究为肺癌治疗提供新思路,推荐科研读者阅读。 肺癌,这个全球健康的 “大反派”,一直严重威胁着人们的生命。它是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,每年都有大量患者因它离世。肿瘤转移和耐药问题,就像是肺癌身上 ...
In GI cancer where CDH17 is highly expressed, both Wnt-β-catenin and MAPK signaling pathways are activated and its crosstalk with α2β1 integrin signaling further promotes tumor growth and ...
Ling Xiao Liu and colleagues now report that cadherin-17 (CDH17), which encodes a cell surface adhesion molecule not found in healthy adult liver, is a novel oncogene in HCC and is an attractive ...