Frisco High Sided Cat Litter Box: We’ve tested this simple-but-affordable ... the litter box look more like a storage bin than a toilet. Both the high sides and the removable litter box liner ...
For cat owners, the litter box is often that one burden they could do without. Litter box mess is a common complaint of cat lovers as kitty litter can spread outside the box and into the home.
If you’re a cat lover, you know the joys of owning a furball and the downside of cleaning a litter box. But there is an alternative. Several retailers, like Amazon, have self-cleaning litter ...
To handle just this task, [Igor] decided to hook his cat litter box up to the internet of things. Monitoring the litter box brings several useful advantages. Load cells enable the weight of the ...
The ESP reads out the load cells and reports its findings to the Adafruit IO platform through its WiFi connection, sending updates to [Andy] whenever litter box use has been detected. The cat’s ...
Daily, weekly, or less often? When it comes to litter in the litter tray, everyone has their own rhythm. But how often is a change recommended? There is no general answer to this question, as many ...
Behind a cat pooping outside of the litter box, there is often a cat parent going ... How would it feel for you to walk in a smelly public toilet with no shoes on? Cats deserve credit for not ...