Sommar, P. et al. Engineering three-dimensional cartilage- and bone-like tissues using human dermal fibroblasts and macroporous gelatine microcarriers. J. Plast. Reconstr. Aesthet. Surg.
Sharks don’t have bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage - the same soft, flexible stuff as your ears and the tip of your nose are made of. This is true for all sharks, from the formidable great ...
The ability of our skeletons to move with both flexibility and stability can be traced back to ancient jawed fish. Scientists ...
A joint is held together by ligaments which give the joints their stability. Cartilage is found at the ends of bones and where joints meet. Tendons attach muscles to the skeleton. Synovial joints ...
A joint is held together by ligaments which give the joints their stability. Cartilage is found at the ends of bones and where joints meet. Tendons attach muscles to the skeleton. Synovial joints ...
The efficient architecture of our joints, which allows our skeletons to be flexible and sturdy, originated among our most ...