《穿越火线》职业联盟电视联赛第五赛季(以下简称CFPLS5)总决赛,在万众瞩目下即将拉开帷幕。AG战队和EP.DouYuTv将为穿越火线的最高荣誉展开厮杀!AG究竟他们能否实现三连冠目标,EP能否摆脱万年老二,让我们拭目以待。CFPL S5季后赛总决赛第一局爆破模式-鹰眼。
CFPL作为国内穿越火线重要的赛事之一,每一届都的比赛都备受关注。今年更是如此最终VG战队在总决赛的舞台上以3:0的总比分,干脆利落的带走了汉宫,夺得了属于VG的两连冠。 马哲:VG战队的队长,担任战队狙击手位置。整个战队的大脑,对战术的转换以及 ...
Tune into 980 CFPL daily to listen for a chance to win more prizes! Sorry this contest is now closed. Thank you for listening to 980 CFPL London!
He did both radio and television in Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Montreal from 1963 to 1972 In 1972 he joined CFPL-TV in London, Ontario and a year later accepted an offer to join CFCN-TV as its ...