The movie centres on the character Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story franchise. The UAE's Media Regulatory Office posted a tweet featuring an image of Buzz, crossed out with a red line.
But Ms Pearson says that an updated version of the original Buzz Lightyear figure launched almost 25 years ago is still the main attraction. "He's the best selling toy of all time," she says.
On Wednesday, CinemaCon attendees got a sneak peek at the first 30 minutes of Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story spin-off, which centres on cocky yet caring space ranger Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Chris ...
"Lightyear" is a sci-fi adventure that tells the origin story of Buzz Lightyear. Instead of focusing on the action figure we know from the Toy Story films, "Lightyear" is about the fictional hero ...