Huang, Laura, Raphael Amit, and Xu Han. "CredEx Fintech: Business Model Transformation During the Digital Era." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 420-123, June 2020.
The second of a two part series, this article examines the converging business forces— business integration, AI, and supply ...
While the new business model with an increasing amount of annual recurring revenues deserves a premium valuation, even at 20x estimated 2026 Adjusted EBITDA, shares appear to be fully valued.
If a company is planning to embark on a digital transformation project, it should consider four main areas relating processes, business model, domain and the organizational culture. -Process ...
product and business model Discover how to take full advantage of your business’ transformation through cross-functional collaboration with other teams Gain from the shared experience of world-class ...
HCLTech CEO emphasised that AI’s disruption in IT services is unlike previous technological shifts such as cloud computing.
The exchange-traded fund industry has been expanding at a robust clip in recent years -- with room for further growth -- "because it's a lubricating agent for business-model transformation," Martin S.