Bleeding from the tracheobronchial tree is not unusual and certainly complicates the induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Patients in whom bronchoscopy is performed either before or after ...
During a bronchoscopy, you will lie comfortably on an examination table or hospital bed with your head slightly elevated. You ...
This will maximize patient comfort, safety, and yield. Flexible bronchoscopy may be performed under local anesthesia with or without conscious sedation or under general anesthesia. Specific ...
Northeastern Georgia is a hotspot for lung cancer, with Athens-area counties like Barrow County and Madison County having ...
Discover the latest evidence-based guidelines for managing central airway obstruction (CAO), offering expert recommendations ...
Each student will be assigned to an anesthesia resident for the duration of the rotation and expected to ... In addition, the student will be introduced to jet ventilation, fiberoptic intubation and ...
EBUS is an invasive procedure in which physicians use ultrasound devices inside the airways and the lung for exploration of the structures of airway walls, the surrounding mediastinum, and the lungs.