One of WWE ’s darkest days became yet another stage for Vince McMahon’s ruthless exploitation, as he callously used a ...
American professional wrestler Lexis King, aka Brian Pillman Jr., was born on September 9, 1993. He is the son of the late and famed wrestler Brian William Pillman (1962-1997), making him a second ...
And no, none of these involve poles or Judy Bagwell. Brian Pillman, Dynamite Kid, and more will be covered in Dark Side of the Ring's third season. WhatCulture is part of Future plc, an ...
Each of those traits accurately describe Brian Pillman ... Under the tutelage of the legendary Stu Hart, Pillman began his career in Stampede Wrestling, honing his craft and earning two tag ...
TNA star Moose made a surprise appearance on WWE NXT tonight. He will now face a major champion next week.