Jamie Carter is an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky. Supermoon, Blood Moon ... “Black Moon?” You’re about to see the unusual latter phrase mentioned a lot in the media so it ...
A blood moon might sound ominous ... the pair of planets will be extremely close in the night sky. If you've ever seen either planet, you'll know that they shine brightly in the sky.
When is the next blood moon? The next blood moon will occur on ... Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction ...
Look for it in the east each night, as well as in the northwest at dawn. Mars isn't the only planet to keep an eye out for this month. Sky-gazers ... to the nickname "blood moon" for a lunar ...
With the arrival of a new year comes plenty of opportunities to witness a bevy of celestial events that will brighten the night sky ... led to the nickname “blood moon” for a lunar eclipse ...
Related: Night sky guide ... Earth and moon are aligned at the time of the event. During a total lunar eclipse, the lunar surface turns a rusty red color, earning the nickname "blood moon".