Give thanks for the bounty and friends and family with these meaningful Thanksgiving prayers and blessings that embody what the holiday is truly about. Traditional PrayerBless us, oh Lord ...
Thanksgiving is known for its plethora of delicious dishes, but the best part of the holiday is getting to spend time with friends and family. When you gather around the Thanksgiving table, take a ...
I’ve been thinking about Thanksgiving and the power to bless. Thanksgiving is such a good and satisfying holiday. It belongs to no one religious group. It carries few expectations other than ...
How will you choose to celebrate your Thanksgiving Day this year? How about throughout the year? Do you choose to count your blessings? Oatman knew that life was not all roses. The last verse of ...
Washington declared a day of thanksgiving and prayer in 1789, partly to honor the new U.S. Constitution. But it was President Abraham Lincoln who proclaimed in 1863 that Thanksgiving would be held ...