Galaxy next to the Milky Way may have a giant black hole

The nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy of our own Milky Way, harbors a heretofore unconfirmed supermassive black ...
This Google Maps image captured in 2021 revealed a mysterious, triangular dark patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, ...
In 1915, physicist Albert Einstein put forth his theory of general relativity, which explained gravity as a product of the ...
Scientists reclassified PBC J2333.9-2343 as a blazar after its jet shifted toward Earth. Discover why this black hole is ...
This week, based on a genetic study, researchers issued a recommendation that bison in Yellowstone National Park should be ...
JWST images reveal galaxy rotation patterns that challenge the Big Bang model. Could the universe be spinning?
"We would like to understand the difference between these systems, which holds the clue to understand just how many cosmic ...
A study based on the trajectory of nine fast-moving stars observed at the fringes of the Milky Way provides strong evidence ...
The Illuminate are moving somehow moving a massive black hole toward Super Earth, which could spell immediate doom.
Reader Jayant Bhalerao, a college physics instructor, found the story useful in class: “We will share it with our students, so that they can appreciate how ...