[Julian] has been trying to build a vocoder from that era from ETI magazine. Along the way, he’s making videos documenting what he’s found and how’s he resolving issues. The circuit ...
The phase vocoder is an effective tool for the manipulation of the duration or the pitch of a sound file. Each of these transformations may be made independent of one another meaning pitch may be ...
In defence of the vocoder, the technology was also embraced ... it might not be the best ploy. Vocoders generally react quite ...
MELP was selected as the best of the seven candidates and even beat the FS1016 4800 bps vocoder, a vocoder with twice the bit-rate. Traditional pitched-excited LPC vocoders use either a periodic pulse ...
The vocoder component joins together two elements ... If we consider original vocoding hardware for a moment, some of the best vocoders ever produced shipped in the form of a box with no ...
MELPe implements a variable low bit rate vocoder that supports multiple rates of 600 bps, 1200 bps, and 2400 bps. It uses the MELP sampling rate of 8,000 kHz as well as the original frame size of 22.5 ...