check out our list of best friend quotes here.) “You light my heart on fire every time you look my way.” - Anonymous “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” ...
Love quotes are sometimes short and cute, sometimes filled with loneliness and regret and sometimes funny. It all depends on who said those words and what was his feeling at the moment he quoted those ...
One of the most romantic days of the year, the Valentine's Day is here and it is celebrated on February 14 every year. Named in memory of Saint Valentine, who helped couples get married against the ...
From poems to passages from classic books and plays, here are our pick of the best love quotes in literature. Especially when the rest of the world feels dark and scary, literature is the perfect ...
Discover 10 inspiring relationship quotes by Sudha Murthy, offering wisdom on love, trust, and companionship to strengthen ...
Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14, has historical roots linked to Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who secretly ...