He wrote about the experience; it’s called the Divine Comedy, and the author is Dante ... in which the pilgrim Dante finally meets Beatrice, who arrives at the end of a spectacular pageant ...
You may or may not share Dante’s religious convictions, but perhaps you can relate to the notion that romantic love at its ...
13 x 10 in. (33 x 25.4 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
It's a lesser known work, much slimmer and more digestible than The Divine Comedy. It depicts a young Dante falling in love with his muse, Beatrice, who dies in the middle of the book.
This applies nicely to Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” Its garden is the poem ... choose a contemporary Florentine woman, Beatrice, who was not a canonized saint, to be a guide to the Christian ...