Baz Luhrmann's upcoming Joan of Arc movie has been in the works for decades ... Sister Rose," the 1974 novel about Joan of ...
Baz Luhrmann is set to tackle the story of Joan of Arc as his next project. Titled Jehanne d’Arc, the film will tell the epic ...
Acclaimed filmmaker Baz Luhrmann takes James King through ... "And I’m going to drop a list of Elvis that isn't in the movie - Elvis that is really worth listening to so you don’t have to ...
Forget what you'd expect about a movie called Elvis. Forget what you might hope for from Baz Luhrmann. This movie is not a biopic about Elvis Presley, as it treats his life as a loose inspiration ...
“I grew up on a desert island," Baz jokes: he was born in Sydney in ... ‘Hi, this is Chris Luhrmann, I'm going to tell you the sports news today...’. It would go on for two hours and I ...