North Sentinel Island, a mysterious speck of land in the Bay of Bengal, is home to the Sentinelese-one of the last uncontacted tribes on Earth. Fiercely independent and notoriously hostile, they've ...
North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. It is about five miles long and 4.3 miles wide. It is surrounded by coral reefs and lacks natural harbours. Other than the ...
The Bay of Bengal, notes historian Sunil Amrith, is an "expanse of tropical water: still and blue in the calm of January winter, or raging and turbid at the peak of the summer rains". The largest ...
It is a crime to come within 5KM of the island. It may look like paradise - but be warned, because all is not as it seems on the mysterious North Sentinel Island. Located in the Indian Ocean ...