An adorable pet dog played keepy-uppy with a balloon in its backyard. Footage shows the three-year-old American Bully named Yuri hopping up to kick the inflatable with its nose and front paws in ...
Kimye's engagement ring, the world's most expensive (non-balloon) dog, fancy cars, and more--or, one measly chunk of stainless steel art. H&M To Sell Jeff Koons “Balloon Dog” Handbags Now you ...
She had tapped it with her finger, witnesses at the event said. The statue - one of Koons' iconic Dog Balloons - smashed into tiny shards, and had to be swept into dustpans by gallery staff.
Two dogs fatally mauled Kingsley Wright inside a home in the Roselawn neighborhood of Cincinnati on Nov. 27, CBS affiliate ...
Sebastian Errazuriz protested by making a graffiti-covered replica of Koons' Balloon Dog sculpture in Central Park. An academic said the protest draws attention to "important questions" about ...