The most famous and wealthiest by a long way are the 600-strong Bacardi ... rum, he experimented to find a purer version. In 1862, he set up the firm's first tin-roofed distillery, adopting the ...
The Black Prince is a type of rum Manhattan—a particularly good one at that, deep, rich, fruity and dark—but I also think ... rum like Flor de Cana 7 or Bacardi 8 or something).
It is going with another classic, launching a canned rum and coke in collaboration with Bacardi Limited ... Later that same ...
The story of Bacardi began on February 4, 1862, when Don Facundo Bacardí Massó opened a small tin-roofed distillery on the outskirts of Santiago de Cuba. He had long envisioned creating a smooth, ...
There are many kinds of rum from traditional white rum to dark rum as well as several producers, including Bacardí, Don Q, Ron de Barrelito, and PitoRico, a smaller brand. One way to learn more ...